FREE Kubeflow and MLOps Workshop
Schedule a 60 minute virtual workshop on the topic of your choice with an Arrikto solution architect.

Advanced Kubeflow Workshop
Kubeflow familiarity: Intermediate to Advanced
This workshop is for individuals already familiar with the basics of machine learning and Kubeflow looking to understand how to deploy models end-to-end while solving the following challenges in detail using particle examples:
- How to turn Notebooks into Pipelines with minimal code using the Kale JupyterLab extension
- How to automatically serve the best models from within your Notebook using KFServing and Kale
- How to snapshot notebooks, pipeline steps and clusters
- How to recreate whole environments and pipeline steps from snapshots
- How to leverage AutoML via Katib jobs using Kale

Kubeflow Fundamentals Workshop
Kubeflow familiarity: Beginner to Intermediate
This workshop is for individuals already familiar with machine learning, but new to Kubeflow. In this workshop we’ll thoroughly explain Kubeflow’s underlying components, how they work together to deliver an MLOps platform, plus include some live demos to tie all the concepts together. What you’ll learn in this workshop:
- Kubeflow basics
- Machine learning workflows in Kubeflow
- Kubeflow components
- Kubelfow tools and add-ons
- Kubeflow distributions and installation

Kubeflow Notebooks Workshop
Kubeflow familiarity: Intermediate to Advanced
This workshop is for individuals already familiar with machine learning, but new to Kubeflow and Notebooks. In this workshop we’ll thoroughly explain how Notebooks work in Kubeflow and walk through some practical examples showing how to develop and deploy them as Pipelines. What you’ll learn in this workshop:
- A quick Kubeflow fundamentals review
- Notebook basics
- Getting started with Kubeflow Notebooks
- Working with JupyterLab Notebooks
- JupyterLab Example: Kaggle’s Titanic Disaster notebook
- JupyterLab Example: Dog Breed Identification computer vision notebook
Who are these workshops for?
Data scientists, machine learning engineers, DevOps engineers and infrastructure operators.
What will my team receive at the conclusion of the workshop?
Every participant will receive the slides used, links to all resources referenced in the workshop, access to GitHub repos, a recording of the presentation, plus a Kubeflow community welcome gift.
How are these workshops delivered?
These instructor led workshops are delivered over Zoom.
What is the minimum number of participants needed to schedule a workshop for my team?
We require a minimum of 3 participants.
How do I schedule a Kubeflow and MLOps workshop?
Simply fill out the contact form on this page and we’ll get you on the calendar.
I have questions about the workshop, where can I ask them?
Simply ask them in the form below.
I would like a specific topic covered in greater detail or a topic presented that is not on the workshop agenda. How can I make this request?
Simply make the requests in the form below.