NEW! Now with Kubeflow 0.7.0 and support for GPUs+
New MiniKF release including
- Kubeflow 0.7
- Rok 0.14-pre-920-gcd14e5c
New Features
- Support for NVIDIA GPUs
- Upgrade Enterprise Kubeflow to 0.7.0
- Upgrade the Rok data management platform to latest 0.14-pre version
- Re-design MiniKF landing page
- Support connecting to K8s in MiniKF directly
- Convert notebooks to pipelines with Kale
- Support auto-snapshotting in Kubeflow Pipelines with Rok
- Improve field validation in the Jupyter web app
Important Changes
- This is the first release to support Kubeflow 0.7.x
- This is the first release to support NVIDIA GPUs